The Ultimate Family Camping List (Free Printables)

Having four kids in three years completely changed my ideas about camping.

My husband and I used to love it and go often with no need for a camping checklist! We’d just throw everything in the car and take off.

Our needs were minimal, and we could improvise as needed.

But with kids, camping suddenly became a very overwhelming idea. Kids have so many more needs! We needed a lot more supplies, and I didn’t even know where to start!

My Solution? A Family Camping Checklist!

Just thinking of everything I needed for a one-night camping trip with kids was exhausting, not to mention actually gathering everything each time!

Didn’t someone already have a family camping list of everything I’d need?

I searched and found a few ideas, but nothing was comprehensive enough for me!

I like to be prepared and knew I wanted to keep the family history of camping going, so decided to create my own camping checklist. I wanted to focus on a minimalist family camping experience, so these checklists are just the basics with no extra fluff!

Creating My Family Camping Checklist

I decided I wanted to create four master camping packing lists for our family camping trips.

Below are the checklists I created. The first three are meant to be attached to a storage bin – the last I hang on my shelf where I store my camping equipment.

Click any checklist and go right to the section you are most interested in and download the file!

  1. Family Camping Kitchen Checklist Download
  2. Family Tent Camping Checklist Download
  3. Family Camping Supplies Checklist Download
  4. Last Minute Camping Checklist Download

Each checklist is split into two sections:

One important part of these tubs is the idea that the supplies stay there. For example, I have scissors that I use every day. But I also have a separate set of scissors that stay in our camping tub. I don’t have to find and pack scissors each time I want to go camping.

Yes, this takes a bit of an initial financial investment, but it actually wasn’t much. I got most everything at the dollar store!

These camping packing lists have made our family camping trips nearly stress free!

Family Time Guides

Let’s dive in and learn more about what kind of family camping necessities you will need.

1. Camping Kitchen Checklist

This camping list includes everything you’d need for your camping kitchen.

Pots, pans (I’ve switched to this set since I took the picture below and I LOVE them), a griddle, plates, serving spoons, utensils, etc.

There is a PDF download which you cannot edit, and a Word doc version that you can edit and make your own.

Camp Kitchen Tub

Some notes about the checklist that may offer some additional help.

Camp Kitchen Packing List: Part of the Ultimate Family Camping Packing List With Printables from Simple Family Preparedness:

2. Family Tent Tub Checklist

This camping list includes everything you’d need inside your family tent.

Clothes, flashlights (after our dollar store lights went out after just one or two uses, we use small high-powered ones now), pajamas, contact solution, etc.

There is a PDF download which you cannot edit, and a Word doc version that you can edit and make your own.

Family Tent Tub checklist

A few helpful notes about the tent tub.

Family Tent Packing List: Part of the Ultimate Family Camping Packing List With Printables from Simple Family Preparedness:

3. Camp Supplies Tub Checklist

This camping list includes everything you’d need outside your camp kitchen and tent. This includes things like tarps, first aid supplies, lanterns, toilet paper, etc.

Let me know if there is something not on the list that you’ve found to be essential in your additional camping supplies!

There is a PDF download which you cannot edit, and a Word doc version that you can edit and make your own.

Camping Supplies Tub: Part of the Ultimate Family Camping Packing List With Printables from Simple Family Preparedness:

A few helpful notes about the supplies tub.

camping supplies checklist

4. Last Minute Camping Checklist

The last minute camping list includes everything we will need while camping that either won’t fit in a tub or can’t be packed until the last minute.

It includes things like sleeping bags, coolers, tents, marshmallow roasters, dutch oven, etc.

There is a PDF download which you cannot edit, and a Word doc version that you can edit and make your own.

Also on this list is our “Family Camping Fun Basket” with a few things we only get to play with when camping. With so many little ones it is important to have some fun on hand – especially when the rain sets in.

One favorite in this tub is Mad Libs around the campfire. There is not much better than a family laughing together at silly words. We also have this fun Seek It Camping game which the kids really enjoy.

What we actually bring from this list varies depending on where we are going and what we are cooking. Depending on the amenities the camping grounds have will help me figure out how much we will need to bring for this tub.

last minute camping supplies checklist

A few helpful notes about the last minute tub.

Last Minute Supplies Packing List: Part of the Ultimate Family Camping Packing List With Printables from Simple Family Preparedness:

After Camping Routine

Each time we get home from camping, I quickly glance through the 1st part of each camping list. If I used a lot of plates, I throw a few more in.

I wash our camping clothes and immediately put them back in the appropriate tub with the list right on top and all our “last minute” camping supplies nearby.

As you can see my containers are all put away until our next adventure. On the top of each is our packing list identifying what is inside – you can put them on the side too if you prefer. I definitely recommend laminating them too so they do not get ruined!

What to bring guides

Recommended Camping Supplies

I have had SO MANY requests for a condensed list of my favorite camping products so I finally decided to create one here.

I link to many of these products above in the text of the post, but here are my absolute favorites! They all link to Amazon (where I buy almost everything I own).


Lots of you have asked what tent we have. We had a Glacier’s Edge Pentagon three-room dome tent. I did not like it and would not recommend it.

It was given to us as a Christmas gift shortly after we had children. The reason I did not like it is that it is not rectangular (it is a pentagon and there are lots of angles/turns to the walls), so there is a lot of wasted space when you try to lay out cots or air mattresses, etc.

I would prefer one with straight walls where I can easily put the air mattresses out for the whole family. As a family of 6, I am looking at this tent for the future. It looks like it is a perfect size and offers some weather protection – and is affordable.

What tent do you have? Do you like it? Why or why not?

Storage Tubs

Many have asked what tubs I used. My choice was the Rubbermaid 20 Gallon Container which I did get on Amazon, but might be cheaper at Walmart. They are roomy and a more affordable than many other options.

Be sure to measure your trunk or bed of your truck to make sure the sizing works! There are smaller and bigger tub options, but going smaller may limit what you can bring.

The only downside to these tubs is they do tend to damage easier than other tubs. That is the trade off for price. So if you are rough with your things, you may want to invest in a stronger option.

I’d love to know if you print and use these camping lists and if they help your family! And of course you are welcome to come back and tell us some great family camping stories! Save