Early Care & Education

ACAP provides families with comprehensive and affordable high quality prenatal, infant, toddler, and preschool education and child development programs. Services also include family and child health and nutrition services.

Want to sign your child up for Early Head Start, Head Start, or child care services?

Complete the online application now. Additional documentation may be required in addition to the completed application. State of Maine Child Care Licensing requires that all enrolled children are up to date on age appropriate immunizations. View Immunization Information

If you have completed an application in the past or have had a child attend one of our programs,

please call 764-3721 Ext 224.

More About Our Services

Head Start

Provides a comprehensive preschool developmental program to three and four year-old income-eligible children, including children with disabilities. We are proud to deliver Head Start services in partnership with the public school in Dyer Brook, Limestone and Van Buren; with Child Development Services in Presque Isle; and with high school regional technical centers in Houlton and Presque Isle. Licensed facilities are located in:

17 Bowles Rd, Caribou, ME

RSU #50 Partnership: 922 Dyer Brook Rd, Dyer Brook, ME

40 Alfalfa Ave, Fort Kent, ME

91 Military St, Houlton, ME 04730

Houlton Region Two Partnership: 91 Military St., Houlton, ME

93 High St. Limestone, ME

Gouldville: 44 Park St, Presque Isle, ME

PITC: 79 Blake St, Presque Isle, ME

169 Main St. Van Buren, ME

Early Head Start

Provides a comprehensive child development program prenatally through age three at three centers.

In addition to educational screening and assessment and developmental educational services, Head Start and Early Head Start provides comprehensive screenings to Head Start children that include lead, vision, hearing, oral health, developmental and behavioral screenings. BMI risk assessments, nutritional counseling, healthy meals, along with physical and mental health support and referrals are also provided.

Early Intervention Program

Provides opportunities for children ages 3-5 years old with developmental delays and/or disabilities to develop skills and strategies necessary to build solid foundations for school reasdiness in a small, low ratio setting to address goals identified on their Individual Educational Program (IEP). Foundation Classrooms are approved State of Maine Special Education preschool programs and are available in Fort Kent, Presque Isle, Caribou and Houlton.

Child Care

Child on a swing

ACAP provides childcare from infancy to six years of age to children at State of Maine licensed facilities in Caribou, Presque Isle, and Houlton. Childcare offerings include:

Child Care is a fee-based program based on age. We accept many forms of payments including but not limited to childcare subsidy, Aspire/Transitional, DHHS, Career Center, and Private Pay.

Child Care Provider Food Program

This program sponsors licensed childcare providers, meeting USDA food and nutritional guidelines, to receive reimbursement for meals served to children in their care. If you are a Child Care provider and would like more information contact:

Connie Montpetit

(207) 554-4125

Maine Diaper Distribution Project

The purpose of the Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot (DDDRP) is to evaluate the ability of Community Action Agencies, to provide diapers and diapering supplies to 100 children on a consistent basis through diaper distribution programs while also offering support services for families with low incomes. As of 05/01/2024, we have stopped adding additional families to the program wait list due to the potential length of the wait. As the program continues and slots become available we will continue to seek additional households as needed.

The Diaper Distribution Demonstration and Research Pilot is a federal program within the Office of Community Services (OCS) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The Diaper Distribution Pilot focuses on making it easier for families with low incomes to get the diapers they need, by funding the expansion of existing diaper distribution services through a robust network of community partners that provide anti-poverty services.

In addition to providing diapers, grant award recipients and their partners, including Community Action Agencies, social service agencies, and diaper banks, will connect families to economic mobility and family support services such as job training, educational support, Early Head Start, housing services, and more.

In Maine the grant recipient for this project was Maine Community Action Partnership (MeCAP) (hyperlink to: https://mecap.org/). MeCap exists to improve the quality of life of Maine residents by advocating for, promoting and supporting the work of the Maine community action agencies. MeCAP will partner with:

· Four local community action agencies: