LANDBANK CREDIT CARD REQUIREMENTS – Here is a list of the requirements that applicants of a credit card to the Land Bank of the Philippines should prepare.
One of the banks in the Philippines that offer credit cards is the Land Bank of the Philippines. It offers two types of credit cards – the Classic International credit card and the Gold International credit card.
For a person to be eligible to apply for a credit card, he or she must be of legal age and has a stable income.
Applicants of the Classic International should have an income of Php 240,000.00 annually while applicants of Gold International should earn not less than Php 400,000.00 every year.
There are Landbank credit card requirements for application. Here is a list of what applicants should prepare in applying for a credit card:
Bring your requirements to the Land Bank of the Philippines branch where you want to apply for a Landbank credit card. It is where you can obtain the Credit Card Application Form.