
We hope you enjoy our new and improved forms page! While we have tried to make the organization user-friendly, one trick is to click "Expand" below, which will expose all of the form titles, then click Ctrl-F which will open up a "find" box where you can type a keyword to help you find the form you are looking for.

Notes on the new required forms for Emergency Protective Orders (EPOs)/Magistrate’s Orders for Emergency Protection (MOEPs):

“Mandated Forms”

Please note that out of these forms, only the Magistrate's Order for Emergency Protection (MOEP) is required for JPs at this time. No changes may be made to this form except the following:

The Instructions for Completing the Orders – currently under the Temporary Ex Parte Order form – apply to all orders, including the MOEP.

“Other Forms (Discretionary)”:

The following are relevant for JPs and may be modified as desired:

The TCIC Protective Order Data Entry Form is also on this list but should not be modified.

Administrative Proceedings Forms

Cruelly-Treated Animals - Updated April 2021

Dangerous Dogs - Updated April 2021

NOTE: Be sure to use the proper forms for the type of dangerous dog hearing being filed. For more information, see Chapter 2 of the Administrative Proceedings Deskbook, as well as the Dangerous Dog Flowcharts. Forms in "General Forms" apply to all types of dangerous dog hearings. General Forms Dangerous Dog Hearing Notice - Updated April 2021 Notice of Appeal and Appeal Bond - Updated April 2021 Dog Causing Serious Bodily Injury/Death Complaint - Dog Caused Serious Bodily Injury or Death - Updated April 2021 Order After Hearing on Dog Causing Serious Bodily Injury or Death - Updated April 2021 Warrant - Dog Causing Serious Bodily Injury or Death - Updated April 2021 Determination if Dog is a Dangerous Dog: Based on Direct Report to Justice Court (only applicable in certain counties, see Administrative Proceedings Deskbook Chapter 2, Section E) or Owner Appeal of Animal Control Determination to Justice Court. Appeal to Justice Court of Determination of Dangerous Dog by Animal Control Authority - Updated April 2021 Notice of Dangerous Dog Report Filed with Justice Court - Updated April 2021 Order - Determination if Dog is Dangerous Dog - Updated April 2021 Report of Potential Dangerous Dog - Updated April 2021 Seizure Warrant - Alleged Dangerous Dog - Updated April 2021 Owner of Dangerous Dog Not Complying with Requirements Application - Dangerous Dog Owner Failing to Comply With Requirements - Updated April 2021 Order after Hearing on Compliance with Dangerous Dog Owner Requirements - Updated April 2021 Order of Destruction of Dog or Return Within 11 Days for Compliance with Requirements of Owner of Dangerous Dog - Updated April 2021 Seizure Warrant - Owner Not Following Dangerous Dog Requirement - Updated April 2021

Dangerous Wild Animals - Updated April 2021

Driver's License and Uninsured Motorist Hearings - Updated June 2024

Handgun License Hearings - Updated April 2021

Hearing Notice - Updated April 2021 Order - Updated April 2021

Occupational Driver's License (ODL) - Updated June 2024

Hearing Notice - Updated April 2021 Order Denying ODL - Updated June 2024 Order Granting ODL - Updated June 2024 Order Modifying ODL - Updated June 2024 Order Revoking ODL - Updated June 2024 Petition - Updated June 2024

Property Hearings - Updated April 2021

Tow Hearings - Updated April 2021

Appeal - Updated April 2021 Hearing Notice - Updated April 2021 Judgment - Updated April 2021 Request for Hearing - Updated April 2021

Public Nuisance Hearings - Updated April 2021

Hearing Notice - Updated April 2021 Order - Updated April 2021 Request for Hearing - Updated April 2021

Civil Procedure Forms

Filing Through Trial - Updated October 2022

Default Judgment and Dismissal - Updated March 2023

Trial, Judgment, and Appeals - Updated June 2024

Enforcement of Civil Judgments - Updated March 2023

Civil Process and Constable Forms - Updated April 2021

For additional forms generated by courts, such as writs, please see the other sections, including Enforcement of Civil Judgments. 24 Hour Notice Prior to Execution of Writ of Possession - Updated April 2021 Affidavit of Inability to Serve Process and Request for Alternative Service - Updated April 2021 Affidavit of Publication of Notice in Newspaper - Updated April 2021 Bidder's List - Updated April 2021 Bidder's List (with Plaintiff Bid) - Updated April 2021 Bill of Costs - Updated April 2021 Bill of Sale - Updated April 2021 Civil Process Activity Log - Updated April 2021 Civil Process Report Unserved - Updated April 2021 Demand Letter - Updated April 2021 Door Hanger - Notice of Important Documents - Updated April 2021 Door Hanger - Notice of Warrant - Updated April 2021 Return of Writ of Execution - Updated April 2021

Criminal Procedure Forms

Deferred and DSC - Updated June 2024

Warrants, Judgments, and Other Orders - Updated June 2024

Expunction Forms and Juvenile Criminal Case Forms - Updated June 2024

Eviction and Other Landlord-Tenant Forms

Filing Through Trial - Updated June 2024

Trial and Judgment - Updated March 2023

NOTE: These forms are "standard" eviction forms. For COVID-related forms, see the top section in this category. Default Judgment (Eviction Case) - Updated March 2023 Judgment for Defendant - Bench Trial - Updated March 2023 Judgment for Defendant - Jury Trial - Updated March 2023 Judgment for Plaintiff - Bench Trial - Updated March 2023 Judgment for Plaintiff - Jury Trial - Updated March 2023

Post-Judgment and Appeal - Updated October 2022

Non-Eviction Landlord-Tenant Forms - Updated February 2024

Writ of Re-Entry/Restoration Application - Writ of Re-Entry - Updated April 2021 Hearing Notice - Updated April 2021 Order After Hearing - Updated May 2022 Writ of Re-Entry and Return - Updated April 2021 Writ of Restoration and Return - Updated April 2021 Writ of Retrieval Application - Updated October 2021 Bond - Updated April 2021 Notification of Hearing - Updated October 2021 Notice of Hearing on Occupant's Complaint - Updated April 2021 Notification to Applicant of Occupant's Complaint - Updated April 2021 Occupant's Complaint of Improper Retrieval - Updated April 2021 Order After Hearing on Occupant's Complaint - Updated April 2021 Order Denying Application for Writ - Updated October 2021 Writ of Retrieval - Updated October 2021 Writ of Retrieval - Ex Parte (only if clear and present danger of family violence) - Updated October 2021 Repair & Remedy Cases Answer - Updated April 2021 Citation - Updated April 2021 Judgment for Plaintiff - Bench Trial - Updated February 2024 Judgment for Plaintiff - Jury Trial - Updated February 2024 Judgment for Defendant - Bench Trial - Updated February 2024 Judgment for Defendant - Jury Trial - Updated February 2024 Notice of Appeal - Updated April 2021 Notice to Landlord to Repair or Remedy a Condition - Updated April 2021 Petition - Updated April 2021 Distress Warrants Application - Updated April 2021 Bond - Updated April 2021 Citation - Updated April 2021 Distress Warrant - Updated April 2021 Distress Warrant - Judgment for Defendant - Updated April 2021 Distress Warrant - Judgment for Plaintiff - Updated May 2022 Order on Application for Distress Warrant - Updated April 2021

Texas Commission on Family Violence (TCFV) Forms

TCFV Survivor Resources webpage - Click on Lease Termination to access forms and documents related to lease termination by survivors of family violence.

General Officeholding and Miscellaneous Forms

General Officeholding Forms - Updated June 2024

Inquest Forms

Inquest Forms - Updated June 2024

Magistrate Duties Forms

Magistration and Setting Bail - Updated June 2024

Warrants, EPOs, and Peace Bonds - Updated June 2024

NOTE: Please also see the TJCTC Magistration Bench Cards on our Charts and Checklists page under the Resources tab above. Administrative Search Warrant - Updated June 2024 Arrest Warrant - Complaint and Application - Magistration - Updated April 2021 Arrest Warrant and Return - Magistration - Updated June 2024 Combination Search and Arrest Warrant - Updated June 2024 Contraband/Evidentiary Search Warrant (see flowchart on Charts and Checklists page to determine eligibility to issue) - Updated June 2024 Emergency Detention Warrant - Updated June 2024 Emergency Detention Warrant - Application - Updated April 2021 Emergency Protective Order (EPO) - Must use OCA form effective June 4, 2024, found at EPO Modification Hearing - Order - Updated June 2024 Peace Bond - Appearance Bond - Updated June 2024 Peace Bond - Application - Updated April 2021 Peace Bond - Hearing Order - Updated June 2024 Peace Bond - Summons - Updated June 2024 Peace Bond - Warrant - Updated June 2024 Peace Bond - Updated June 2024 Search Warrant and Return - Updated June 2024 Search Warrant to Photograph Injured Child - Updated June 2024

Fugitive From Justice Forms - Updated June 2024

For more information on these forms, please see the Self-Paced Module on this topic on the Self-Paced Module page under the Online Learning tab above. Notification to Secretary of State and Prosecutor of Fugitive From Justice - Updated June 2024 Order after Hearing - Fugitive From Justice - Updated June 2024 Order after Subsequent Hearing - Fugitive From Justice - Updated June 2024 Order after Hearing - Governor's Warrant - Updated June 2024 Waiver of Extradition - Updated June 2024